While playing the game, you might have encountered this type of error message:


This error is shown when the operating system fails to allocate memory needed by the application. This can be either because of memory being fragmented or full. As such, it is more likely to occur on devices with low RAM.
This error has been added manually in order to avoid a system crash (back to home screen without any message) and occurs only if the memory allocation failed more than 15000 times in a row. At this point, there is no hope of recovery.

If you encounter this issue, the following ideas can help you :

  • shut down your device and power it up again minutes later
  • make sure Dead Cells is the only application in memory (nothing running in the background)
  • shorten game sessions, restart the game or even your device between two game sessions in order to clean the memory

If you own a device with a relatively recent Android version, you may have activated the Virtual Memory Extension. Even though it looks promising, this extension is not fitting for all usage and can provoke issues.
A Reddit user reports he eradicated his memory issues by disabling the memory extension option.

The availability of this option or its location may vary depending on the operating system, but we recommend that you disable it wherever possible!

We're constantly working on other optimisations for the game, but for the time being these are the best ways of getting around this error.