First, be sure to be connected with your Google Play or your Game Center account in game (in the Option Menu), then you can click on the Restore button. When you go on the load menu, you should see three dots indicating that your saves are loading : it can take a little time.

If this doesn't work, this may indicate a synchronisation error. We completely understand how frustrating it can be to lose progress, but unfortunately, there is no way for us to retrieve lost data as everything is stored in the Cloud by Google or Apple directly.

When reinstalling the game or installing it on another device, it is necessary to make sure that you are connected to your Google Play or Game Center  account in-game and wait until the synchronization is complete before playing as it can otherwise overwrite your previous progress. 

Sometimes, there can be unfortunate bugs with the synchronization that are sadly out of our control since everything transits through the Cloud and is stored by Google or Apple, but most of the time the progress issues happen because the synchronization was not complete. 

If you encounter an issue with the game, we do not recommend uninstalling the game right away. The best thing to do is to first try and clear cache from the store and from your device then reboot your device (turn it off and wait five minutes before turning it back on) and try relaunching the game. Before trying to reinstall the game, you can also contact us directly and check if there are known workarounds for the problem you have been experiencing.