The editor mode allows you to create your own levels and even complete campaigns. You can then publish them to share with other players.
Modes of Operation
The editor has 2 modes of operation:
- Construction mode: when the block library is open at the bottom. This mode allows you to place blocks, move them, select them to configure, and create connections.
- Test mode: this mode only allows you to trace connections and interact with elements.
You can switch between modes by clicking the hammer at the bottom right or by closing the library (TAB shortcut).
Certain actions are disabled in the editor :
- Dialogues and narrative blocks
- Objective completion
- Bomb explosion
To test them, you must actually launch the level (Escape/Play)
Level Chaining
Each level has an identifier (a character string with no spaces) which is created automatically and is visible under the level name in the editor. Some blocks, such as the objectives or the blocks for loading a level, allow you to enter an identifier: this is the one that must be used.
In this way, you can create any number of levels to create scenarios or narrative campaigns, for example!
It can be time-consuming to recreate existing patterns. The game allows you to store 10 blueprints, which are saved from session to session. Select a group of blocks by drawing a selection rectangle, and click Ctrl + Shift + 1 to store the selection in blueprint 1.
You just have to click on the 1 at the top or press Ctrl + 1 to recreate and duplicate the blueprint when you need it. You can use slots from 1 to 9.