Linkito has Twitch integration, enabling viewers to interact directly with the game. A dedicated campaign is based entirely on this concept, and is played in cooperation between the streamer and the viewers.

NB: We recommend that you familiarise yourself with the game beforehand, by playing the first acts, for example, which act as a tutorial.


How to connect the game to your Twitch account

  • Go to Options
  • Go to Module
  • Choose the Twitch module and click on Add
  • Enter your Twitch nickname (case sensitive)
  • Enter the name of your channel (lower case)
  • Click on OAUTH → this will open a page asking you to connect to your Twitch account
  • Once done, the page will show you an OAUTH code that you need to copy into the last field ( the code will be hidden so it can be copied live)
  • Then click on ACTIVATE: the activated and connected box should now be ticked.


Twitch campaign

The dedicated Twitch campaign can be found in the special levels. On the home screen, click on SPECIAL, then on the Twitch campaign.

On the first page, you can check whether the connection is working. You should see the Twitch chat messages directly in the game. You can then launch the campaign !

Each level of the campaign uses different mechanisms for interacting with the chat, but in general the words you need to type to trigger the mechanisms are visible on the screen. Enjoy the campaign !


Sandbox mode (level editor)

You can create your own special levels that work with Twitch integration. You can even test them directly in the level editor. Twitch blocks can be found in the I/O (Input/Output) tab of the inventory.

There are 3 different ones:

  • Receive Twitch: returns the text of the last message on the first output, and the viewer's nickname on the second.
  • Twitch Command : triggers the block output by typing the command. The command can be changed in the block parameters. You can choose the operating mode: 
  1. OneTime (triggers once when the command is typed),
  2. Impulse (sends a brief positive signal when the command is typed),
  3. Switch (changes state each time the command is typed).
  • Send Twitch: sends the text entered in the block as a message in the chat. Please note that the message is sent from the account to which you are connected.

Twitch blocks can be combined with all the other blocks in the game to create unique puzzles, specific to your stream or your visual identity. If you need help creating a unique experience specific to your stream, please don't hesitate to join Linkito's Discord.

Have fun !