How do I make money ?
How do I save my game?
How can I transfer my progress from one device to another?
How can I change the language of the game?
Can you pet the dog ? How to feed my dog ?
How to get Moon Cloves?
Can my device run the game?
How much is Potion Permit on mobile?
What is Potion Permit about?
Can I cross save between the mobile and the PC/console version?
I lost my progress
How do I customize my character's name?
I can't scroll down in shops / I can't upgrade my cauldron
My app is killed in the background
I can’t romance Lucke or Runeheart
How does the “trust” work?
Is it possible to customize touch controls?
How do I open the mini map?
How do I access my inventory?
How can I request a refund?
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